MBA Milestones: Testimonials from CIMBA Graduates at the University of Iowa

Congratulations to all of the graduates at the MBA programme and Executive Certificate in International Management at the The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business and CIMBA on their successful completion today!
A warm congratulations to each of the graduates who have worked so diligently in their programmes and their well deserved recognition today.
Deciding to take an MBA diploma programme, an Executive Certificate programme, and following through on the commitment over months and years is not easy. Teamwork, Leadership, and Resilience are fundamental to success.
I look forward to seeing how all of the talented leaders recognized here today will move forward on making #beyourbest a reality throughout the world.
A special thanks to alumni and especially Bing Howell for the inspiring speech on the future of education and how Strategy can be applied to ensure inclusion and opportunities are equally available everywhere.
What will be your next challenge ?
Strategy is Mastery.
Scott Newton | CIMBA MBA Professor
Teaching and learning bring me great joy. So combine these with CIMBA and the chance to teach great minds in Italy–it’s a beautiful combination. I was so happy to celebrate these graduates the past few weeks in Iowa City. They have reinforced in my mind the value of collaboration over competition and the importance of being sincerely joyful in all that we do. Bravi!
Daniel Newton | Associate Professor at University of Iowa

In October 2022, in a small Italian town in the mountain, 4 people who did not know each other came together for a group project – Their task? Choose a company listed on the stock market, analyze its financials, and present our findings. These 4 guys ended up spending more time looking for the best Wheel of Fortune app to help them deciding among various companies than they did on deciding the companies themselves to put into the wheel….
This quirky start led to an incredible 2-year journey, offering me personal and professional growth, connections with people from various countries and cultures, learning from top-notch professors in the USA and Canada, and making great friends.
After 20 days in the States where we tackled a complex management simulation – winning it with my teammates and our performance ending up among the best 10% worldwide 💣 🎯 – this incredible journey is now over but not without leaving incredible insights:
<1> In a world that has never been changing this fast, and will not be in the future as slow as it is today it is fundamental to accept and embrace uncertainty Flexibility openness
<2> Take the best out of every experience Growth Learning
<3> Collaboration over competition Teamwork CollaborationAs this chapter concludes, I look forward to the future with optimism and curiosity, ready to embrace new challenges and opportunities.
Special thanks to all the people that made our journey possible and to CIMBA and The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business.
To all my fantastic fellow gratuates, even if none of us have a crystal ball to predict how our future will be, knowing all of you, I’m sure we will make it spectacular! 💥 🚀
May we never stop being curious, may we continue to learn and grow, and may we always find joy in the Journey.
Luca Rocchetti | 2024 MBA Graduate
* Avere un impatto positivo (che incredibile viaggio!) 🎓 🇺🇸 🇮🇹
Andrea Ciresa | 2024 MBA Graduate
Penso che l’aggettivo “generativo” sia quello che più rappresenta questi ultimi 2 anni di MBA (Master in Business Administration). 👨🎓
Il termine “generativo” si riferisce alla capacità di produrre o creare qualcosa di nuovo (e per me importante).
Ho voluto farlo uscendo dalla mia zona di comfort, pesantemente. Puntando sulle competenze, sulla condivisione e sull’apertura. Confrontandomi con professori dalle migliori università americane, con professionisti di varie estrazioni e con ragazzi e ragazze veramente fuori dal comune.
Ma prima, qualche dato:
<22> mesi di impegno 😅
<1> lingua ufficiale del corso (inglese) 🇬🇧
<2> nazioni in cui ho studiato (Italia e USA) 🇺🇸 🇮🇹
<0> ore di lezioni online (si, z-e-r-o) 😎
<18> esami con professori dalle migliori università del nord america (USA e Canada) 🇺🇸 🇨🇦
<N> aerei presi, di cui N+1 in ritardo, persi o cancellati 🛫
<1> discorso fatto alla cerimonia di laurea 🗣
<10> simulazioni pratiche 💻
<1> “distinction” per meriti accademici 🏆
<1> metri lineari di appunti e dispense (impilati uno sopra l’altro) 📚
<1> premio “Best Part-time Student of The Year 2024” 🥇
Ma i numeri più importanti sono, di sicuro:
<50> e più nuovi amici (provenienti, letteralmente, da tutto il mondo)
<∞> un numero infinito di risate e abbracci 🤗
<100%> di certezza che possiamo avere un impatto positivo sul mondo 🌱
Quante cose avrei ancora da dire. Quante emozioni da condividere. Quanti ringraziamenti da fare. Ma ora è tempo di festeggiare, di riposare e di tornare a casa.
For my US/Europe/Asian friends… it’s official!
Master of Business Administration with Distinction from The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business and CIMBA!

What an incredible journey!!
Now it’s official! Master of Business Administration with distinction from The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business and CIMBA
The adventure began 3 years ago when I felt the need to increase my business knowledge. Today ends with this extraordinary achievement, but above all a journey made up of an enormous sequence of experiences and relations that changed me profoundly: 18 modules with complex business subjects, the LIFE program, 34 weekends spent in Paderno, uncountable hours of study, a final business simulation which shaped my confidence and capability to manage a business effectively.
I am grateful to CIMBA, the University of Iowa, my professors, and all my classmates for this transformative journey.
Last but not least, a sincere thank you to my family for the time sacrificed and their invaluable support throughout these years.Looking forward to applying these learnings and making a positive impact in the business world!
Alberto dal Cason | 2024 MBA Graduate
¡Y Se Sigue Pudiendo! 🇲🇽
Never thought I would be cut out for college, let alone an MBA. But achieving the impossible seems easy when you have parents who make the impossible possible.
This past year I pushed myself way out of my comfort zone. I visited the beautiful country of Italy and went through an intensive and very rewarding study abroad experience called CIMBA through the University of Iowa. Leaving the comfort of my home and family for a year was challenging, but thankfully I was able to find a new home and family to support me in Paderno Del Grappa, Italy.
Because of the relationships I built that helped me thrive during this program, I can now proudly announce that I am a first gen MBA graduate, graduated the year with distinction, and was awarded the full time student of the year.
¡Se Sigue Pudiendo! 🇲🇽
Salvador Saragoza | 2024 MBA Graduate

I am thrilled to announce that I have completed my MBA program at CIMBA and The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business.
18 exams in English with some of the most inspiring professors from North America (USA and Canada)
34 weekends spent in Paderno del Grappa
2 countries for study (Italy and USA)
2 years of 5 a.m. wake-ups to study
Countless friends made across Italy, Europe, and the USAThis achievement would not have been possible without the support of many incredible people:
-My family, who allowed me to focus on this incredible journey.
-My fellow travellers, Andrea Ciresa, MBA 🚀🌲🌲, isaia guadagnin, Luca Rocchetti, MBA, Valerio Favaron, and Emanuele Pirotta, who supported me every step of the way (we did this together!).
– CIMBA and all its members, for creating an environment that made this possible.
– My friends, who encouraged and motivated me throughout.
– My new and old colleagues, who understood my moments of desperation and frustration.To all of you, thank you for contributing to this success. I hope we will have the opportunity to celebrate together soon.
Giorgio Fattori | 2024 MBA Graduate
Now, it’s time to put all my learning into practice and make a positive impact on the world.
And finally comes the time to party for the successful completion of my Executive Certificate in International Management and Strategy Program!
Luca Giaretta | 2024 MBA Graduate
Credit to the support of ccelera and to my family that’s always been close and encouraged me to carry on, but especially to the group of professionals whom I’ve shared this journey with, that are now friends.
Aware that the end of this experience is the beginning of new challenges and adventures!

And now I can say it!
Luca Tartaggia | 2024 MBA Graduate
I completed the CIMBA Executive Certificate in International Management and Strategy Program in the best possible way!
It was a beautiful week in Iowa City and a wonderful experience.
I want to thank ccelera for giving me day after day the opportunity to grow in my career path and I also wanted to thank all my new friends I found during this wonderful journey.
You have made this experience special and I am grateful for that.