Manage Stress

Our mind, like our body, needs the right diet: it must be fed in the right way to function at its best. Sleep, physical activity, play, concentration, reflection, relationships and idleness are the nutritional elements that make us feel good.

But what happens to our mind, in times like the one we are going through, when our mental diet is not correct? Our emotional well-being is affected and manifests itself with tension, nervousness, and  impatience. Everything that is generally called stress.

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Stress is one of the many components of our emotional and cognitive well-being. This automatic response is physiologically regulated by the release of various hormones and allows the individual to activate physical, emotional and cognitive resources necessary to face the stimuli. But not all the stress comes to harm

The impact of a stressful event is highly subjective: it is the result of a primary assessment in terms of opportunities and benefits and a secondary assessment, or rather the assessment that each person makes of their resources and the ability to cope with the stressful stimulus in that moment.

Stress is what happens in our brain and in our body when something we care about is at stake – in these weeks, our health and our freedom.

The expert’s opinion

It is stress that makes us feel alive and live life in a curious way. For example, when we play our favorite sport, when we watch a scary movie that we like, when we stay up late to work on a project we want to carry out, in all these situations we are experiencing this type of stress.

Here’s what Dr. Ringleb tells us about positive stress and ways to use it to our advantage.

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Test and Exercises

Improve your stress management through the breathing exercises recommended by our scientific committee.

Measure your cognitive well-being with the Warwick-Edinburg Well-Being Scale (WEMWBS)